JEE(Main) | JEE(Main+Adv.)| NEET Study Modules
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All Modules available
@ Rs.200/- Per Module Only
These discounted study modules from Resonance are previous session materials that can be a valuable resource for your exam preparation. While they may not include the most recent exam questions from the latest sessions, the core theoretical content remains largely unchanged. ​
Schools can include these expertly crafted study materials in their school libraries, providing students with valuable resources to enhance their learning. Students can easily access these materials within the school premises, making it convenient for them to study after school hours or during free periods.

Class Subject Code Topic
XI Chemistry M01 Physical Chemistry vol.-1
M02 Physical chemistry vol.-2
Maths M03 Algebra
Physics M04 Mechanics vol.-1
XII Chemistry M05 Inorganic Chemistry
M06 Organic chemistry vol.-1
M07 Organic chemistry vol.-2
M08 Physical Chemistry 
Maths M09 Algebra
M10 Differential calculus
M11 Integral calculus
Physics M12 Electrodynamics Vol-I
M13 Electrodynamics Vol-II
M14 Modern Physics
M15 Optics
M16 Semiconductor

Subject Code Topic
XI Physics M17 Heat and Thermodynamics
M18 Mechanic Vol-I
M19 Mechanic Vol-II
M20 Wave Fluids & Prop.of Matter
XII Chemistry M21 Inorganic Chemistry
M22 Organic Chemistry
Maths M23 Algebra
M24 Differential Calculus
M25 Integral Calculus
Physics M26 Electrodynamics
M27 Modern Physics
M28 Optics
M29 Semiconductors, Electromagnetic Waves & Communication System

Subject Code Topic
XI Biology M30 Botany
M31 Zoology
Chemistry M32 Inorganic Chemistry
M33 Organic chemistry
M34 Physical Chemistry
Physics M35 Heat and Thermodynamics
M36 Mechanics vol.-1
M37 Mechanics vol.-2 
M38 Wave Fluids & Prop.of Matter
XII Biology M39 Botany
M40 Zoology
Chemistry M41 Inorganic Chemistry
M42 Organic chemistry
M43 Physical Chemistry
Physics M44 Elcetrodynamics vol.-1
M45 Elcetrodynamics vol.-2
M46 Electrodynamics 
M47 Modern Physics
M48 Optics
M49 Semiconductor
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